End-to-end Drinking Water Treatment and Sewage Treatment Software

Data Integrity

ID captures data from your laboratories, SCADA, IoT devices and field teams in a single secure location.

Operational Overview

ID gives you a utility-wide view of how your treatment operations are performing against KPIs & regulatory requirements.

Save Time

Powerful visualisations, automated scheduling, task tracking and compliance report generation, all save you time.

Data Cleansing

With powerful data cleansing tools, smart alarms and notifications, you will never miss an event again.

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Decision making is made easy, with real time operational insights accessible to you and your team, anywhere, at anytime.

How our clients use ID to improve their operations:

Lake Lyell Lithgow City Council

City Council - Paper To Digital

This city council previously utilised a paper-based data collection system with manual entry of the data into a spreadsheet and other systems for preparing reports and invoicing. Experiencing issues such as misplaced paper-based information, The council knew it was time to do make a change to the way they were working. By implementing Infrastructure Data, all operations staff were able to collect onsite data via their mobile phone, providing immediate access to important information and without the issues of losing paper records and incorrect data from hard to read handwriting. Automated reports were generated from the collected data, saving time, and reducing human error. Streamline your data collection and reporting with ID.

Glennies Creek Dam Singleton

Local Council- Load Based Licensing

Councils across New South Wales need to comply with their Environmental Protection Licences (EPL), which often include load limits and associated fees for pollutants discharged to the environment. One council wanted a solution to make managing these licence requirements quicker and easier for everyone involved, such as collating the required data from multiple sources into a report, which could be used to generate their annual return. Infrastructure Data was utilised to manage a number of Council’s EPL requirements including preparing required information for load-based licence reporting as well as automating the generation of website reports with pollution monitoring data. Dashboards displaying pollutant loads were generated.

Wastewater Activated Sludge

Regional Council- Digital Transformation

Experiencing issues with collection of information in a timely, visually attractive and accurate manner, this regional council decided to look for a solution. After considering a number of options, the council decided that Infrastructure Data could provide the functionality they required, including ID’s ability to automatically collate information from various sources such as operator logs, inspections and water/effluent quality data, share this same information accurately with everyone in the business, and automatically generate reports and dashboards. There was no longer a need for manually transferring data into various spreadsheets, the chance for manual errors was reduced and the council also appreciated having a single source of truth for their operational information.

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More than just compliance reporting:

Chemical Tracking

Infrastructure Data is able to help track chemical tracking and even generate alarms when supplies are low.

Trade Wastes

Fully manage trade waste applications, licenses and even usage calculations. All handled within ID.

Drinking Water Guidelines

Make sure you are meeting the guidelines using automatic batch reports and by monitoring custom dashboards.

EPA Licensing

ID can help manage your EPA licensing activities, from applications through to usage calculations.

Get more Docs:

Interested in a more detailed overview of ID?

Covering implementation through to information on the security of your data, and IT requirements, our guide gives an in depth overview of the system.

Feature Videos:

ID is Modular:

ID's modular structure allows you to scale the platform to meet your business needs. View the videos for more.

Input Modules -

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Devices & Soft Sensors

Devices connect to your SCADA historians and remote devices, providing access to real time data. Soft sensors cleanse, transform and perform logic on incoming data streams for deeper analysis.
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Digitise all of your field tasks and paper forms for accurate data capture.  Backed by a scheduling engine, and automated reminders, tasks are tracked to ensure they are completed on time.
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Lab Sample Manager

A two-way integration with commercial laboratories allows samples to be scheduled and tracked through the entire chain of custody, automatically receiving results when the testing is complete.

Output Modules

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Dashboards & Batch Reports

Powerful data visualisation and reporting tools give you insights into how your treatment operations are performing, as well as automated reports, to support any regulatory requirements.

Geospatial ID Module Video


ID's Geospatial module allows users to view their assets and reticulation networks on a map-based layout, highlighting potential hotspots, whilst allowing users to track potential contamination events.

Consents ID Module Video


Combine all of your inputs & outputs from our other modules, to automate the management and real time compliance monitoring of resource consents, permits, as well as any rules-based plan.

License Manager ID Module Video

License Manager

A customer-facing portal streamlines the end-to-end process of applying for a license or permit, right through to the billing and ongoing management of the license's compliance. 

Alarms ID Module Video


ID's smart alarms can be generated from any incoming data set, as well as a combination of different data types i.e. lab samples with SCADA data. These smart alarms allow users to be notified before a problem occurs.

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From automated distribution of reports, through to reminders and task management, ID's messaging module streamlines day-to-day operations, meaning that tasks and reports are never missed.

Some of our clients.

ID Team 4

We are here to help