Lutra Process Engineer Jar Test Training

Training Services

Lutra use our knowledge of Water and Wastewater to improve yours.

Water Treatment Classroom Training

Training is important to us.

Staff are our greatest asset, and if they are going to do their job properly, they need to be trained properly. Lutra use years of water and wastewater experience to help us train operational staff, providing both hands on and remote training options.

Whether you need someone to explain complex process theory such as how chlorine works or something practical like how to properly jar test, Lutra can send an engineer to deliver easy to understand hands-on training.

We also offer a digital training solution tailored to your specific plants, License To Operate (LTO) is aimed at supplementing hands-on operations and maintenance training for operators old and new alike.

SCADA Classroom Training Close

Onsite Training

Lutra can offer classroom training in many different topics, enabling the teaching of more complex subjects that may not have been covered in your own or other external training.

Examples of subjects:

  • Jar testing practical training
  • Chlorination theory
  • Sample taking and handling

Other subjects are available on request.

License To Operate (LTO)- Tailored Digital Training

Designed to enhance and speed up traditional hands-on operator training, LTO is operations training for the digital age, utilising videos, animations, presentations and interactivity to teach complex tasks in an easy-to-understand way.

LTOs are uniquely tailored to your specific plants, with lessons based around your equipment and your SOPs.

LTO can take some of the pressure of training new recruits off your senior operators, be used as a refresher by any operator for more complex or less frequent tasks, and much more.
Read on for more information or get in touch for a complete guide or to try a demo.

Operator Using LTO on Mobile Phone Close

Operator Training

LTO offers training developed specifically for your treatment plants, they are aimed at giving your operations staff a complete training system, covering all the subjects they need to keep your plants running well.

LTOs include the following Lesson Types:

  • Video maintenance guides showing your staff properly performing tasks
  • Process Theory lessons with animations and easy to follow information
  • Process Descriptions that show each processes main facts and features at a glance
  • SCADA Guides showing how the system works, how to read trends and troubleshoot
LTO Filming on Water Treatment Plant

Capture Real Knowledge

Part of what makes LTOs so valuable and Unique is that they capture your own staff's knowledge to pass on to future generations of staff. Every plant has unique features and operational intricacies, that make not be shown in SOP's,  by recording how your experienced operators perform these tasks, we capture more than any manual would.

LTOs are usually produced by sending a videographer and a process engineer to your site/s to gather data, take pics and record videos, which is then all edited and put together into various lessons.


LTO on a Tablet Google And Apple

Available on Almost Any Device

LTOs are developed to be accessible on almost any device whether PC, Mobile or Tablet, with both a web accessible version and Apps available for both IOS and Android.

If using the App you can also pre-download content so that it is available even in places where the internet isn't.

Available on:

  • Web Browser
  • Android App
  • IOS App
SCADA in Use By Operator

Record Training Progress

Almost as important as properly training your staff is ensuring you properly record their training progress; LTO automatically tracks all users progress as they work through the course. Keeping training records is often a legal requirement and one which is easily overlooked, LTO takes care of this for you.
You can also encourage user engagement with optional features such as gamification and certificates.

Training Progress:

  • User progress reports
  • Certificates and gamification available

Some of our training experts:

Louis v2

Louis Ortenzio

Chief Engineer

Louis has worked on training programmes including LTO's and national-level operator training and with his wastewater knowledge and experience can deliver detailed classroom training too.

John W

John Wilson

Marketing Manager

John produces the content for LTO's and other digitally delivered training, filming and editing content, creating animations and tailoring the training platform for each client's needs.

Jonathan Church

Jonathan Church

Principal Process Engineer

Jon's years of water treatment experience and knowledge make him the perfect person to teach others complex subjects and proper processes.

Case Studies

Process Engineer In Control Room

District Council - LTO

When an operations & maintenance team needed a next generation training system for their staff to improve resilience, reliability, performance and operating efficiency we developed a  solution for them.

Video Training Content

National Operator Training

Lutra developed the national level training certificate for the next generation of operators in NZ, in partnership with Connexis, to provide the required training to safely operate and maintain treatment assets.

LTO Filming

LTO Vlog

LTOs involve site visits and filming, this Vlog was made onsite while filming an LTO, and gives a little insite into how LTO's are put together and what there capabilities are. Watch on to learn more about LTOs:

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